Is A Lawyer Required For Uncontested Divorces In Virginia?

Who could ever see that the couple who vowed to stay together for life would eventually decide to get separated by law? Divorce is an unfortunate turn of life where everything in life changes. Many times, it is necessary because staying alone is better than staying with a cruel or unloving spouse. For that, you will need an experienced Virginia divorce attorney.

If you are looking for uncontested divorce lawyers in Virginia, then you must refer to THE LAW OFFICES OF JOHN W LEE P.C. attorneys and counselors at law. They are a team of 6 very experienced lawyers who have a total of 70+ years in defending their clients and winning cases for their clients.

Established in 2002, they are dedicated to bringing justice to their clients but more speedily. They also believe that justice must not come at a cost to their clients. Their legal fees are reasonable so that the client does not have to break the bank to seek justice. They believe in meeting their clients in real-time.

They believe that the best way of communication is a physical meeting. This is why, unlike other lawyers who prefer not leaving their luxurious chambers and spending time and money on conveying, they insist on meeting with their clients. Their areas of practice include bankruptcy law, real estate law, criminal law, family law, and personal injury law.

Reasons to Hire a Divorce Attorney for an Uncontested Divorce in Virginia

An uncontested divorce is one where the spouses have already agreed on the majority of the key issues regarding the divorce like the property, estate, assets, child custody, visiting’s, etc. Uncontested divorces are easier and faster to procure. Couples with or without a minor child can procure it if they prove that they have been living separately for the past 6 months.

Without the help of an experienced attorney, you are bound to screw up the case. Here is a reason why you must engage a divorce attorney:

Filing the correct legal documents – a lawyer is fully versed with the forms which need to be filled and what is the court process. If you take the initiative of doing it all by yourself, you will be exposing yourself to the trouble of stretching the divorce longer than required.


Understandably, you may be tempted to save the fees of a lawyer by filing for the case by yourself but you are bound to perform blunders in such a scenario.